27 November 2012

Zeit-Geist (Tales about Time V)

"Zeitgeist refers to cultural patterns that are temporally specific, cross over different areas of social life, and extend across space. The term zeitgeist gains its distinctive edge partly by what it is not: if we describe or explain something by zeitgeist we are usually saying that it is not fully explained by functional necessity, by the economic base of a society, or by institutional and organizational factors."
Siehe: Zeitgeist. The media of time-specific cultural patterns, Bielefeld 19.09.-21.09.2013

"I saw a street lit as if in full daylight by neon lights and, topping them, oversized luminous advertisements moving, turning, flashing, on and off, spiraling... something that was completely new and nearly fairy-tale-like for a European in those days... The building seemed to be a vertical veil, shimmering, almost weightless, a luxurious cloth hung front the dark sky to dazzle, distract, and hypnotize. At night the city did not give the impression of being alive; it lived as illusions lived. I knew then that I had to make a film about all of these sensations."
Fritz Lang, 'Was ich in Amerika sah'
Quelle: Anton Kaes, 'Metropolis: City, Cinema, Modernity' 

"Aufgrund ihrer Zerstreuung entfaltet die Zeit keine ordnende Kraft mehr. So entstehen keine prägenden oder entscheidenden Einschnitte im Leben. Die Lebenszeit wird nicht mehr durch Abschnitte, Abschlüsse, Schwellen und Übergänge gegliedert. Vielmehr eilt man von einer Gegenwart zur anderen. So altert man, ohne alt zu werden."
Byung-Chul Han, Duft der Zeit

Siehe auch: Metropolis - Die ganze Geschichte, Quelle: Arte

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